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Thursday, 11 April 2019

Multi-orgasmic Couple is Normal according to Universal Healing Tao System

I am a Melanesian and I. Know this topic is somewhat hidden among men and women in Melanesia. Only in men's house or among the women we know conversations about sex and sexuality arise,  but I must acknowledge that our discussions are mostly unhealthy, unclean, and shallow.

By unhealthy I mean we talk a lot about wasting life force or sexual energy rather than saving or using it for our life now and tomorrow. By unclean I mean we only focus on animal-like sexual intercourse that is very animalistic and inhuman inany ways.

By shallow I am saying our talks and therefore understanding about sexuality is still very wild and not helpful for human development purposes,  particularly physical and spiritual developments.

My Grandmaster Mantak Chia has written a book entitled "Multi-orgasmic Man", in which he talks in details about how we can enjoy our sexual relations healthy and at the same time healthy for mental,  physical and spiritual lives.

Mantak Chia says when we have sex we need to "1. Expand, 2. Embrace, 3.  breathe, 4. Circulate, and 5. Exchange" out life-force energy  or sexual energy, male and female energies interact, interconnect and interchange, making this life become more enjoyable and this blissful.

We Melanesians understand sex as a way to produce out children. Full stop. We discuss sex as something to enjoy right now right here and a few seconds later we turn our back and snore out of feeling tired due to the loss of energy from ejaculation.

We know is sexual intercourse and ejaculation. Full stop.

In fact Taoist masters for thousands of years uave development practices or what Mantak Chia calls Sexual Kung Fu to help both men and women to have pleasurable, enjoyful and blissful sexual relations that he calls having multiple orgasms both for men and for women.

I do hope at one point of time we Melanesian men and women will sit down, learn, discuss and practice this teaching qnd will enjoy our lives in our beloved Paradise Islands.across the South Pacific.

To interact or to follow up this thought please contact me at or

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Alcohol Dan Roh Tidak Baku Senang! Pantas Moyang Melanesia Membelakangi OAP

Kembali lagi saya hadir untuk berbagai tentang apa yang kita masukkan ke dalam tubuh kita dan akibatnya terhadap roh, terutama dalam hal ini roh moyang Melanesia. Dalam agama modern memang kita sekarang mengkonsumsi alcohol sama sekali.  Akan tetapi dalam hal ini saya tidak bermaksud menyebarkan ajaran agama yang menurut saya daya merusak jiwa dan mental manusia sama celakanya. (akan saya bahas dalam situs atau tulisan lain)

Alcohol menunjukkanrsurga aura tidak merusak, mengacaukan dan energi mengusir terhadap semua makhluk roh.

Orang Melanesia terkenal di dunia sama dengan orang Irlandia Di Europa, sama-sama pemabuk. sama-sama pecinta alcohol, sama-sama tidak tahu mengendalikan miras.

Kedua kelompok manusia ini sama-sama punya pengalaman panjang dijajah Dan dieksploitir karena mereka sendiri tidak sanggup mengendalikan diri. Dan terutama mereka punya "inamonggar" telah terusir dan rerhalau jauh oleh kebiasaan buruk mabuk-mabukan

Untuk merdeka dari semua bentuk eksplorasi dan mendapatkan bantuan moyang manusia sudah harus berpikir tentang perilakunya sendiri dan seharusnya menghindari sikap ke kanak-kanakan yang selalu menyalahkan pihak lain

Grandmaster Mantak Chia menekankan betapa bangsa-bangsa di dunia menjadi merdeka lahir bathin karena merdeka dari si penjajah ulung dan utama bersama Alcohol.

The Five Elements and Sexual Energy

Today I am reading a book by my Grandmaster Mantak Chia entitled "Chi Kung for Prostate Health Sexual Vigor". This book is particularly interesting as it explains how sexual areas hold a lot of points directly connected to other organs which are connected to the five elements.

"The five elemental energies of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water encompass all the myriad phenomena of nature. It is a paradigm that applies equally to humans."

He is basically saying that sexuality is not just about making love or having sex per se which is very narrow meaning of what sexuality is all about.

He says by managing our sexually, keeping healthy and channel all sexual energy we can really charge the whole body and particularly the brain will be better charged to operate in its optimum capacity.

Weakness or problems in sexual organs cause all useful and creative energy get blocked and we will have so many problems in our body.  We will mostly feel sleepy, weak,  not creative and lazy.

By cultivating time on managing or doing exercises in our prostate and getting our prostate healthy then we will enable the pumping station of our energy work in full capacity and we will benefit greatly.

Prostate Chi Kung will prevent men from getting prostate cancer at the age 50s or 60s. 

I can relate easily with my traditional "Penis Gourd" in the highlands of New Guinea that helps all highlanders never got any prostate cancer at their 60s and beyond and even they get married and do well. Penis Gourd keeps the air in the sexual area clean and let the organ and prostate breathe freely that makes the energy flows freely throughout the body.

Since Melanesians start wearing underpants and clothes then "the boy" gets locked up in our own modern prison without any breathing space making all energy being blocked and Melanesian men today become weak, lazy,  heads not working properly.

Let us join the Walk for Life, Yoga for Life, Smile for Life and Breathe for Life with Melanesian elder in Port Moresby soon

Interested?  Write to

Saturday, 23 March 2019

STOP Mengeluarkan Sperma saat Mabuk

Saya ditegur kemarin oleh Grandmaster Mentak Chia lewat bukunya "Sexual Reflexology". Beliau  dengan tegas menegur dan menekankan kepada sidang pembaca satu hal yang maha penting untuk saya ingat dan saya praktekkan dalam hidup saya sampai akhir hidup saya dalam tubuh fisik ini.

Kata dia bahwa laki-laki yang mengeluarkan air sperma saat dalam kondisi mabuk sungguh sangat merugikan hidup dan usia hidup keyakit yang besangkutan di dunia fisik ini.

Kerugian dari melepaskan sperma saat dalam kondisi mabuk begitu besar dan berakibat usia orang yang besangkutan sangat pendek.

Grandmaster Mantak Chia memang selalu menekankan kita menghindari alcohol tetapi dia menggunakan kata "sebaiknya" bukan "Harus". Tetapi saat bicara tentang mengeluarkan sperma saat dalam kondisi mabuk beliau sangat tegas dan menggunakan kata-kata seperti kepada anaknya sendiri.

Dengan kata lain dan ini sesuai pengalaman hidup ku sendiri,  barangsiapa mengeluarkan sperma saat dalam kondisi mabuk adalah tindakan bunuh diri.  Menyesal mengatakannya!

Oleh karena itu dengan ini saya tanyakan selama hidup saya sejak tanggal 24 Maret 2019 sampai saya meninggal saya akan berupaya sekuat tenaga Untuk BERHENTI TOTAL mengeluarkan sperma saat saya dalam kondisi dipengaruhi alcohol. Titik! 

Biarlah moyang Melanesia yang membawa saya ke Bumi ini dan Tuhan Pelindung menjaga saya.


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